BCM International Update

Mable Ngoma, a BCM missionary in South Africa and Zambia, was selected to speak at the Child Safety & Protection Network Conference in Nairobi. She presented on the topics of “Safe Recruitment” and “National Boarding Schools” at the regional conference.
“I believe that both topics…are vital tools that we can use to minimize harm coming to our children and the vulnerable that are entrusted into our care as organisations,” Mable explains. She believes, “thorough and ongoing vetting processes are foundational to child safety” in any context.
Because of an unwavering dedication to protecting children, BCM International is a member of CSPN. The organization is a network of organizations around the world who are empowered to have an “effective, wholistic child safety programme.”
Prepared to Protect Children
Safeguarding and awareness training for everyone working with children are vital to that process, according to Mable. This includes pastors and teachers as well as volunteers and ground staff. Her approach starts with sticking to a thorough vetting process during recruitment and continues with a zero-tolerance policy for child abuse.
“If national boarding schools practice safe recruitment procedures that adhere to thorough vetting processes, they would protect those in their care by making sure no potential abusers set their feet within the walls…let alone encounter our children and vulnerable.” She says safe recruitment is our “obligation to child safeguarding wherever children are cared for.”
According to Mable, every person working with children should know, understand and follow the rules and regulations for their organization and their country.
She emphasizes the need for everyone to take child safety seriously. “It is good that organisations have the codes of conduct on their shelves. That needs to be translated into reality,” she states. “A hurting child will not learn. Through training, we will be able to identify the hurting children and do something about it.”
Mable’s child safety training covers these important topics:
- Establishing codes of conduct and policies for both learners and staff.
- Having child protection policies.
- Recognizing the signs of abuse.
- Knowing the reporting procedure
- Protecting the identity of a whistleblower.
- Promoting a safe environment where the students or members of staff feel safe.
- Knowing whom to report incidents of abuse to.
- Understanding the reporting process as well as the contents and context of the code of conduct, especially when people of diverse backgrounds are part of the organization.
- Supporting whistleblowers.
- Considering online safety.
- Considering the impact of emotional, psychological, and physical harm.
- Including trauma-informed care to help those who work with children to respond speedily.
Prepared to Serve Families
Mable believes her growing ministry is changing mindsets and cultural perspectives. Her background in public schools and different churches prepared her for the work God has called her to do. She worked with families from diverse educational, socio-economic and cultural backgrounds and learned how to address conflict involving families of different backgrounds with empathy.
Prepared to Teach Well
In addition to safety training, Mable is also passionate about training teachers to communicate the Bible to children and young people effectively. When teachers are equipped, they are better able to help students think critically and ask good questions. “Furthermore,” she says, “a teacher who is trained in communicating the Bible to children and young people will make the Scriptures come alive by presenting it in a way that resonates with the current cultural norms, thereby fostering a deeper relationship with God.”
Teacher training in a church and ministry context is not only beneficial for the students; it’s also beneficial for the teachers. “A trained teacher becomes well-versed in the Bible,” she states. “This makes her a good model for the children and young people as she demonstrates for them what godly living looks like.”
Effective teacher training gives teachers tools and creative methods to present lessons. This captures the students’ attentions, supports spiritual growth, and helps them live out their faith. Good training also prepares teachers to recognize emotional and cognitive developmental stages, which will help them tailor their teaching to the needs of the children.
Church Resource: In Step with the Master Teacher
BCM’s teacher training program, “In Step with the Master Teacher” was developed with input from national children’s workers in more than 20 countries and is available in multiple languages. Downloadable training sessions combine creative and practical ideas for teachers to implement immediately. Live and virtual sessions from our experienced teacher-trainers are also available.