Michigan Bible Clubs General Fund – We rely on the support of caring individuals to help cover our regular operating expenses. This fund is used to support the increasing costs of Bible Clubs as we grow the number of children being reached. These funds will be used as needed within the ministry.
Kids to Kamp (Camper Scholarships) – This fund is used to support camper scholarships with partner Bible Camps to encourage children to memorize verses, complete devotions and invite friends to Bible Clubs.
Making Bible Clubs Better – Facility Improvements – This fund is used for future improvements to the facility. The next major improvement will be to remove walls, the counter and sink from the building to accommodate larger training groups as we continue to grow the number of Bible Club teachers.
BCM Global Ministry Fund – When you give to this fund you are enabling BCM to run Bible Clubs and Christian camps, share the gospel with children and their families, teach and train leaders and children’s workers, plant churches, minister to the hurting and provide resources for persecuted and under-served groups around the world.