Making Camps Better – The Lodge – We are in desperate need of additional housing and meeting spaces for our summer camps, retreats, rental groups, and other ministries! We have had to turn away campers and guest groups and restrict program sizes. We simply haven’t had the space to accommodate them. If God has supplied the youth and adults that want and need to be here to experience Camp Sankanac and hear the gospel, we trust that He will also supply the needed funds and facilities. This Lodge facility would double our main-camp/ cliffside housing capabilities.
Our campers and guests need a multi-purpose and residential building. We need to build a Lodge. Will you join us?
Camp Sankanac General Fund – We rely on the support of caring individuals to help cover our regular operating expenses. This fund enables us to use the money where it’s needed most.
Kids to Kamp (Camper Scholarships) – Every child should have the chance to go to camp, yet many families cannot afford to send their child to camp without financial support… will you help them?
BCM Global Ministry Fund – When you give to this fund you are enabling BCM to run Bible Clubs and Christian camps, share the gospel with children and their families, teach and train leaders and children’s workers, plant churches, minister to the hurting and provide resources for persecuted and under-served groups around the world.